29 November 2009

Throw It Away

Sheridan wasn't too sure about Santa... he kept making his sign for "throw it away" - I think he wanted me to throw Santa away :)


  1. oh my gosh that is too cute. So I guess he didn't take to Santa that much. Throw it away is priceless. Blyss used to hate Santa for the first couple of years and really freak out. The first year I had to sit on Santa's lap almost to get the shot and then cut myself out of the picture. So I would say you did a good job Sheridan.

  2. LOL!! Throw it away... that is awesome.

  3. Hilarious! Has his hair grown that much since his haircut?!?!? Amazing!!! :)

  4. That is FUNNY! I can't say I blame you, little man. =) My little guy feels the same way!

  5. ADORABLE! How cute... maybe he's saying get me outta here. Love his hair, too.

  6. Lisa! Sheridan is cuter every time I see him! I was always afraid of Santa too... a big white dude in a bright red jumpsuit? Who wouldn't be afraid of that?! I also appreciate the love and care given to his adorable fro. Let it grow wild! :)

  7. I love the story behind this picture - too cute!
