06 November 2009


Just a few pics from Halloween...

Sheridan's sitter carved a pumpkin to look like him - notice the tooth!
So freaking cute!

And he was mesmerized by the hollow pumpkin head.

We decided to take a few pictures in the leaves...

He liked trying to pull and tear the leaves apart...

He just loved playing... I raked everything in to one big pile and let him loose.

One of my favorite pictures:

Oh, and, Mr. I Want to be Mobile

Chillin' in the leaves - and chewing on them.

Trying to take control of the camera yet again.

Kisses for Daddy.

Mr. Bear headin' out for the night.

I love the look of thrilling excitement and complete fear all rolled up into one.

Don't eat Daddy's head...

This is my favorite picture:


  1. Oh my-he's a cutie pie!! He makes a perfect litte bear!

  2. Oh my gosh he is such a doll. Look at that smile and the hair. I love his hair. I hope Wysdom's hair starts to grown in. Cute pic and what a great costume. I must say that is a pretty good pumkin carving:)

  3. So adorable! I love these pictures!

  4. sheridan, can lc come over and play? we have too many spiders in ours.

  5. What a cute picture of him looking in the pumpkin!Sheridan is sooooooo gorgeous!!!!I love his hair!!Could we arrange a marriage? ;)
