I recommend viewing full screen so you can see better :)
The beauty of raising a genetically-enhanced child - not many people can brag that they have an extra chromosome... Follow the journey of our first-born son, Sheridan Michael, as we travel down a path that looks different than what we imagined, but is far more incredible than we could have ever hoped for.
05 December 2012
Sheridan's First Year of School
I've been meaning for some time to write a post about Sheridan's first year of school. That will still have to wait... but for now, check out this quick video I made for his annual IEP (that's 4 months late).
I recommend viewing full screen so you can see better :)
I recommend viewing full screen so you can see better :)
05 November 2012
The Language Game
Remember my post about Sheridan's recent "colorful" additions to his vocabulary? Well, I just had to share this post from a dear friend of mine who has two amazing children - his eldest, Jack, has autism.
I'm not going to lie, it's nice to see I'm not the only parent who deals with these things. And I'm pretty glad I don't have to deal with the same, uh, "level" of language he is... yet.
Check it out. It will totally melt your heart, make you proud of him, and make you laugh out loud.
28 October 2012
It's a...
04 October 2012
Difficulty & Joy
I never do anything to mark October as Down Syndrome Awareness Month - because every day is about awareness and advocacy 'round these parts. But this year I decided to do something on Facebook. And because fb is so fleeting (whatever you post is gone in the blink of an eye), I decided to put a few of the comments here for posterity's sake. I didn't write anything profound by any means, just wanted a place to park them online...
A quick invite to all my peeps... October is (among many other things) Down Syndrome Awareness Month. I've never really done anything or commemorated it in the past. This year... an invitation... feel free to ask my any question you want. Literally ANYTHING. About raising Sheridan. About Down syndrome. About education. Anything. No question too big or small. There are no asinine questions. So please, feel free to ask or discuss anything at all with me. I'm an open book. I slam shut on October 31st, though ;-)
Q: So how'd you get so lucky to get the cutest guy?
A: I often wonder that myself :) Probably something to do with my super handsome husband. But I'll never admit that to him ;-)
Q: What a cool idea, Lisa! Sheridan looks so, so sweet. I'd actually love to know what you've found to be the hardest aspect of having a child with Downs as well as what is a unique joy you might not have expected.
A: Your questions are awesome, and the hardest to answer without writing a whole damn book ;-) But I'll do my best... THE HARDEST THING: OTHER PEOPLE. Meaning the stereotypes many people in general have about Down syndrome, the education system, the medical community, the people who make decisions about funding education, intervention services, research, etc. It all boils down to the constant advocacy and fighting that is required to get people to see your child as a human being with with value - EQUAL value to any other human being - who deserves respect, kindness, meaningful relationships, dignity, and high expectations, and who does NOT deserve to have any limitations placed on him/her. In the final analysis, that's all any of us want for ourselves, right? And certainly for our children. That's the hardest part... knowing and seeing your child being marginalized (often in very systematic ways) and fighting it with every ounce of your being because it's wrong, because every person has value, and because the human race simply needs to get over itself with its perceptions of normalcy and who is "worthy." THE UNIQUE JOY: THE PEOPLE I HAVE MET ON MY JOURNEY. I have gained more dear friends - people I truly love - in the last 4 years than I had my entire life before Sheridan was born. Some of these friends I met through blogging. Some of them I met here locally - started with meeting three other moms at a park who had infants with Ds, and they became true sisters to me - now we have over 100 moms in our "support network" (I don't even know all of them anymore we've grown so large so quickly!) - but the group of sisters I know and love best, and the other dear friends I've met along the way, were the most surprising and unique thing about having a child with Ds. Oh, the other unique joy: watching my son teach me more about life in his four years than I've learned in my entire lifetime.
Q: How can we help others learn the importance of People First Language?
A: The best way I've found to help others learn the importance of People First Language is to simple model it. Most people grow up hearing "Down syndrome child" or "Downs kids" - that's generally how people refer to anybody (bald guy, Black guy, autistic girl, etc). As you know, people don't mean anything marginalizing by saying "Down syndrome boy" or "she is Downs" and so they don't know how people in the Ds community feel about it (heck, most media stories involving somebody with Ds use that language, or even worse, "she suffers from Down syndrome" - UGH). So, I just model People First Language with the goal that eventually people will pick it up
Q: As a preschool teacher I often have children in my class who have not yet been diagnosed with any special needs but through my assessments and observations Iwe do find some special needs in my children such as autism, hearing loss, etc. As a parent with a child who has special needs what do you suggest as the best way to talk to parents about these needs and be the best advocate I can be for these children? It can be such a difficult conversation to have and I always want to respect the parents but still advocate for the child.
A: The first thing I have to say to you is, you are AWESOME and so amazing for even thinking so carefully about both the children and how to advocate and help them (and their parents!). That's half the battle. Second, I imagine you have frequent opportunities to meet with and give updates to parents. I think your genuine concern for the children will be a great service to you in this process. The parents will see and know that this is coming from a caring place of concern, a place of wanting to help. It's no secret that as parents we don't like to hear anything negative about our children (and sometimes parents get defensive, angry, confused, etc). You need them to HEAR you and take action. To that end, starting with the child's strength will help them listen (Bobby Sue is doing great at X and Y. She's really focused on learning Q. She's a great listener and follows directions. We have noticed that at times she has a hard time hearing us, though. Has she had her hearing checked lately? It might be something as simple as some fluid in her ear, but I'm concerned that she often doesn't hear what's being said, or doesn't hear it clearly. Have you noticed the same thing at home?) That's a much simpler example than a child who has sensory needs, cognitive delays, etc. But I think that even for those parents who have a hard time with whatever you share about the child, being specific will help, and trying to talk about what you are seeing in the classroom and what they are seeing at home will help open the dialogue. And you KNOW these kids. The parents will recognize that. Last thing, (I don't think you would do this, but just adding for good measure :) don't just leave parents with a bunch of problems and concerns like dropping a bomb on them and then telling them to have a nice day and walk away. Make sure you give the parents specific, actionable next steps. If it's just doing a follow up with a doc, make that clear. If it involves assessments, etc. give them the name and contact information of a person/agency they should contact and give them some guidance about what to ask for. The hardest thing for parents that I've seen (especially those I know who had concerns about a potential autism diagnosis) is that their world shatters, the floor is ripped out from underneath them (not always, but it's devastating for many to just have the "concern" put out there that your child might have some life-long challenges), and they have feel lost, confused, scared, angry, etc. and they don't know what the next steps are (or are scared to take them). If you can be a friendly, gentle guide for that first step, that alone is an amazing service you can do.
Q: Where do you see putting Sheridan for kindergarten? Does Sheridan like dinosaurs? Is Sheridan going to try team sports next year? Does Sheridan have any health concerns that prevent him from doing anything whatsoever?
A: 1. For kindergarten we have a few options. Technically, his kindergarten year will be next year in his currentMontessori school (the Primary Class is 3 years, ages 3-6, and children stay for all three years - so traditional preschool through kindergarten all in the same room together. The real choice comes with the following year. Do we want to have him do another year in the Primary Class, do we want to transition him to another (public) school to either K or 1st grade, or do we want to transition him to Lower Elementary in his current Montessori school (lower elementary classes are also 3 years, grades 1-3 all together). If we transition him to a public school when he is 6, we won't put him in kindergarten (he's already mastered most of the traditional K curriculum and he'd be bored, I think). That's the only thing I know for certain. We have another year to 18-months to see where he is and try to figure out what our other options are. 2. Sheridan loves 2 songs a bout dinosaurs, but isn't into them in general. He's never really been exposed to them much beyond the music, really. 3. For sports, Sheridan currently does horseback riding with my amazing cousin Amber, we plan to start him in ballet soon, and I would love for him to do one team sport. LIkely soccer. Maybe tee ball when he's a bit older (my dad will love being involved in that, too). Hoping he eventually does swimming, too. Want to expose him to lots of sports and let him find 1 or 2 things that he likes and gravitates toward. Oh, also will start piano lessons in about a year :) 4. Sheridan has NO health concerns; HOWEVER, all children with Down syndrome have the potential for atlanto-axial instability (instability in the cervical spine), so we avoid any activity that would put pressure on it (like summersaults). Other than that, he's free and clear to do anything he wants.
My Post
Some of the Questions and Answers
Q: So how'd you get so lucky to get the cutest guy?
A: I often wonder that myself :) Probably something to do with my super handsome husband. But I'll never admit that to him ;-)
Q: What a cool idea, Lisa! Sheridan looks so, so sweet. I'd actually love to know what you've found to be the hardest aspect of having a child with Downs as well as what is a unique joy you might not have expected.
A: Your questions are awesome, and the hardest to answer without writing a whole damn book ;-) But I'll do my best... THE HARDEST THING: OTHER PEOPLE. Meaning the stereotypes many people in general have about Down syndrome, the education system, the medical community, the people who make decisions about funding education, intervention services, research, etc. It all boils down to the constant advocacy and fighting that is required to get people to see your child as a human being with with value - EQUAL value to any other human being - who deserves respect, kindness, meaningful relationships, dignity, and high expectations, and who does NOT deserve to have any limitations placed on him/her. In the final analysis, that's all any of us want for ourselves, right? And certainly for our children. That's the hardest part... knowing and seeing your child being marginalized (often in very systematic ways) and fighting it with every ounce of your being because it's wrong, because every person has value, and because the human race simply needs to get over itself with its perceptions of normalcy and who is "worthy." THE UNIQUE JOY: THE PEOPLE I HAVE MET ON MY JOURNEY. I have gained more dear friends - people I truly love - in the last 4 years than I had my entire life before Sheridan was born. Some of these friends I met through blogging. Some of them I met here locally - started with meeting three other moms at a park who had infants with Ds, and they became true sisters to me - now we have over 100 moms in our "support network" (I don't even know all of them anymore we've grown so large so quickly!) - but the group of sisters I know and love best, and the other dear friends I've met along the way, were the most surprising and unique thing about having a child with Ds. Oh, the other unique joy: watching my son teach me more about life in his four years than I've learned in my entire lifetime.
Q: How can we help others learn the importance of People First Language?
A: The best way I've found to help others learn the importance of People First Language is to simple model it. Most people grow up hearing "Down syndrome child" or "Downs kids" - that's generally how people refer to anybody (bald guy, Black guy, autistic girl, etc). As you know, people don't mean anything marginalizing by saying "Down syndrome boy" or "she is Downs" and so they don't know how people in the Ds community feel about it (heck, most media stories involving somebody with Ds use that language, or even worse, "she suffers from Down syndrome" - UGH). So, I just model People First Language with the goal that eventually people will pick it up
Q: As a preschool teacher I often have children in my class who have not yet been diagnosed with any special needs but through my assessments and observations Iwe do find some special needs in my children such as autism, hearing loss, etc. As a parent with a child who has special needs what do you suggest as the best way to talk to parents about these needs and be the best advocate I can be for these children? It can be such a difficult conversation to have and I always want to respect the parents but still advocate for the child.
A: The first thing I have to say to you is, you are AWESOME and so amazing for even thinking so carefully about both the children and how to advocate and help them (and their parents!). That's half the battle. Second, I imagine you have frequent opportunities to meet with and give updates to parents. I think your genuine concern for the children will be a great service to you in this process. The parents will see and know that this is coming from a caring place of concern, a place of wanting to help. It's no secret that as parents we don't like to hear anything negative about our children (and sometimes parents get defensive, angry, confused, etc). You need them to HEAR you and take action. To that end, starting with the child's strength will help them listen (Bobby Sue is doing great at X and Y. She's really focused on learning Q. She's a great listener and follows directions. We have noticed that at times she has a hard time hearing us, though. Has she had her hearing checked lately? It might be something as simple as some fluid in her ear, but I'm concerned that she often doesn't hear what's being said, or doesn't hear it clearly. Have you noticed the same thing at home?) That's a much simpler example than a child who has sensory needs, cognitive delays, etc. But I think that even for those parents who have a hard time with whatever you share about the child, being specific will help, and trying to talk about what you are seeing in the classroom and what they are seeing at home will help open the dialogue. And you KNOW these kids. The parents will recognize that. Last thing, (I don't think you would do this, but just adding for good measure :) don't just leave parents with a bunch of problems and concerns like dropping a bomb on them and then telling them to have a nice day and walk away. Make sure you give the parents specific, actionable next steps. If it's just doing a follow up with a doc, make that clear. If it involves assessments, etc. give them the name and contact information of a person/agency they should contact and give them some guidance about what to ask for. The hardest thing for parents that I've seen (especially those I know who had concerns about a potential autism diagnosis) is that their world shatters, the floor is ripped out from underneath them (not always, but it's devastating for many to just have the "concern" put out there that your child might have some life-long challenges), and they have feel lost, confused, scared, angry, etc. and they don't know what the next steps are (or are scared to take them). If you can be a friendly, gentle guide for that first step, that alone is an amazing service you can do.
Q: Where do you see putting Sheridan for kindergarten? Does Sheridan like dinosaurs? Is Sheridan going to try team sports next year? Does Sheridan have any health concerns that prevent him from doing anything whatsoever?
A: 1. For kindergarten we have a few options. Technically, his kindergarten year will be next year in his currentMontessori school (the Primary Class is 3 years, ages 3-6, and children stay for all three years - so traditional preschool through kindergarten all in the same room together. The real choice comes with the following year. Do we want to have him do another year in the Primary Class, do we want to transition him to another (public) school to either K or 1st grade, or do we want to transition him to Lower Elementary in his current Montessori school (lower elementary classes are also 3 years, grades 1-3 all together). If we transition him to a public school when he is 6, we won't put him in kindergarten (he's already mastered most of the traditional K curriculum and he'd be bored, I think). That's the only thing I know for certain. We have another year to 18-months to see where he is and try to figure out what our other options are. 2. Sheridan loves 2 songs a bout dinosaurs, but isn't into them in general. He's never really been exposed to them much beyond the music, really. 3. For sports, Sheridan currently does horseback riding with my amazing cousin Amber, we plan to start him in ballet soon, and I would love for him to do one team sport. LIkely soccer. Maybe tee ball when he's a bit older (my dad will love being involved in that, too). Hoping he eventually does swimming, too. Want to expose him to lots of sports and let him find 1 or 2 things that he likes and gravitates toward. Oh, also will start piano lessons in about a year :) 4. Sheridan has NO health concerns; HOWEVER, all children with Down syndrome have the potential for atlanto-axial instability (instability in the cervical spine), so we avoid any activity that would put pressure on it (like summersaults). Other than that, he's free and clear to do anything he wants.
02 October 2012
Oh Sh*t
This weekend Sheridan began using a new phrase:
"Oh, shit."
On one hand, I'm proud of him - he uses it correctly in context (e.g., when something falls or he drops something). And it is CLEAR. AS. DAY.
On the other hand, well, he's only 4 years old. Best not be starting his career of cursing at such a "tender" age. Right?
The first time he used it, Gary and I looked at him, then at each other, wondering if we heard him correctly. Ten seconds later he said it again, this time followed by a devious little giggle and, "Daddy."
We tried so hard not to laugh. And we did an excellent job not making a big deal about him saying it. Now any time he says it (most of the time we try to preempt the comment when he drops something, for example) we say, "Oops!" Just trying to guide him back to what he used to say before this colorful addition to his vocabulary.
My favorite thing about this... he totally ratted Gary out with that "Daddy" giggle. And Gary freely admitted, "He got it from me. Ok. He definitely got it from me." (Really, it might have just as easily been from me, but I love that Sheridan pointed the finger elsewhere.)
And why is it that a child with Apraxia can struggle with saying the word dog but can say, "Oh, shit" clear as a bell?!
I love it.
01 October 2012
Stay Put
The time for Sheridan's second IEP came and went without a peep from our district. No big deal in my book... Stay Put is in effect so nothing changes. Additionally, it just so happens that Sheridan doesn't need any changes made to his supports/services. So I was perfectly happy exercising his right to Stay Put. Given that this topic has come up quite a bit lately in some discussions I've had with other parents, I thought I'd write a brief post about Stay Put.
What is Stay Put?
Bottom line, it means the school district is obligated legally to maintain the status quo. If the IEP team (meaning, the parents, educators, district personnel, etc) cannot reach an agreement on a new IEP, the district must leave the student in his/her current placement and the current IEP (educational placement, services, supports, etc.) must continue to be fully implemented.
Here is the actual language from IDEA, Section 615 Procedural Safeguards [20 U.S.C. 1415(j)]:
Maintenance of Current Educational Placement.--Except as provided in subsection (k)(4), during the pendency of any proceedings conducted pursuant to this section, unless the State or local educational agency and the parents otherwise agree, the child shall remain in the then-current educational placement of the child, or, if applying for initial admission to a public school, shall, with the consent of the parents, be placed in the public school program until all such proceedings have been completed.
Stay Put can last for a few weeks, a few months... I've even talked with families who have used it for YEARS. Basically, Stay Put is in effect from the time a dispute arises (in our case there was no dispute, Sheridan's last IEP - written through 09-01/2012 - simply "expired" so to say, but of course, IEPs never expire because of Stay Put), to the time it is settled (that can be via agreement and signing of a new IEP, mediation, hearings, etc.).
A Few Things to Note
- If your therapist or service provider changes (or any personnel changes), that doesn't necessarily constitute a violation of Stay Put as long as your child is receiving comparable services.
- Stay Put is not specific to location. For example, if your child is fully included in her elementary school's 3rd grade classroom, switching her to a new school (while still maintaining her full inclusion status) isn't necessarily a violation of Stay Put.
- If the dispute is over the initial IEP (e.g., services, placement) then there is no Stay Put provision (because your child has no existing, current IEP with placement, services, etc.).
- Things can get a little tricky if your child is transitioning (say from preschool to kindergarten, or from junior high to high school) - that makes it hard to define "current educational placement" because keeping the child in preschool or middle school is not a viable option, yet the IEP does not have an existing placement for kinder or high school.
- In some cases districts will request parents to waive their right to Stay Put if they are negotiating private school placement (just one example) - I'm not a lawyer and would never even pretend to give you legal advice, but I would strongly recommend you not sign any agreement that waives Stay Put. Just sayin' :)
Back to Sheridan's IEP... I decided I would do the prudent thing and email his Program Specialist and request an IEP. Trying to be collaborative - on the up-and-up - and most importantly, giving my boy a chance to shine and show how great he's doing, how much he loves school, how much he's learning, that his support services are making an important difference for him, and that he is making an important difference in the lives of his teachers and classmates. The IEP is, after all, all about him!
18 August 2012
4th Birthday Bash
This year our little backyard could not contain Sheridan's birthday celebration. Between 36 children in his class and all of his friends outside of school, there was simply no way to do one of my do-it-yourself parties and keep my sanity. And truth be told, I've found a new admiration (the more parties Sheridan attends) for those parents who find places where you show up, the kids have fun, and you leave. No set up, no clean up, just pay and play.
So we rented Funderland for Sheridan's birthday party. We had the whole park to ourselves (we had 100+ kids on the guest list and the parents who accompanied them - hey, if you're going to invite 70 kids, why not 112?). It felt safe, secure, and best of all for the kids, no lines! The only thing extra I did was feed the crowd (courtesy of the amazing crew at Magpie Caterers - everybody loved the food, from carnivores to vegans!).
Everybody had a great time... especially the parents! It was fun to throw a party that everyone enjoyed (and that was SO easy to do).
First things first (because I know you're all wondering)...
The Cake
Everyone knows that the cake is a big deal around these parts. Primarily because Jennifer (a former student of mine turned cake goddess who owns Salt Cake City in Utah) makes his cake (styrofoam inside, real fondant and sugar decorations on the outside) and ships it to me each year. I give her the theme or basic idea, but very little direction (other than, "make it big"). It is always a complete surprise when it arrives. I love it.
This year, for the first time ever, Sheridan cake was based on his favorite book (rather than his favorite song). I recommend you check out his 1st birthday cake, 2nd birthday cake, and 3rd birthday cake, too.
Buddy's favorite book is Kisses for Daddy. He reads it nonstop (he has the story completely memorized) and it is a staple at nap and bedtime.
Here's his cake:
I used everything from different colored sharpies to color in the areas with missing fondant, to finding the broken pieces and glueing them back together.
Sheridan loved his cake, and so did all the other children.
Now, just a big photo dump of all the fun!
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This is "Baby David" - Becca's nephew. Sheridan loves make "funny faces" to make Baby David smile. |
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Sofia came dressed and ready for the circus ;-) |
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LOVING the carrousel with Nonna. |
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Even Gary was required to strap himself in on the carrousel. |
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Driving the cars with Grandpa. |
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Let me tell you, riding the spinning teacups while pregnant wasn't the best idea I've ever had. Took me 10 minutes to see straight. |
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Cake is fake, remember? So we did grab and go cupcakes so nobody missed out on too much action. |
144 "regular" cupcakes, 36 vegan gluten- and soy-free cupcakes |
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He loves his Nonna. |
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And his Grandpa and Nanny Airplane. |
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Every day (often more than once a day), his friend Maddie points to her cheek and says, "Kissy!" And every time he complies with a little kiss. |
Emma & Eva are 6-year-old twin sisters from Sheridan's class (they are now in 1st grade and no longer his classmates, sadly). They are, without a doubt, his best friends. He adores them (and their younger sister Lara who IS gratefully still in his class, and especially their mom Miss Viva). These girls have the biggest hearts and were amazing friends, guides, peer models, and peer support for him during his first year of school. They challenged him, helped him grow more independent, and they love him sincerely. Love these girls!
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Emma and Sheridan driving. |
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Eva and Sheridan flying tandem. |
Sheridan has so many friends at school, and one person who is extra special to him is his Spanish immersion teacher, Martina. I've written about their special bond previously. Sheridan LOVES Martina.
Happy 4th Birthday, Sheridan!
So happy to celebrate every single day with you, Buddy!
Thank you to my friend Michelle Marrone for the photos!
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