29 September 2010

Happy 100th Birthday, Grandma!

Today is my grandmother's 100th birthday! Some might think it's sad she died just a few weeks shy of her century mark, but I say she gets credit for the full century! My grandma was born in 1910. 1910! Just think of all the "firsts" she experienced. 

Here's my favorite first of hers... the first time she met Sheridan.

Yes, he was passed out in the moby wrap... but who cares?! Such a cute little Buddy.

Here's the celebration of Grams' life that I wrote for her... I think she deserves a little blog time :)  


  1. Happy birthday granny

    hope u follow my blog

  2. What a beautiful legacy she left! Happy Birthday to your Gram up above :)!

  3. This photo literally made me start bawling ... happy tears ... one of my very most cherished photos of all time is the photo of when my grandmother meet Isabel ... I had hoped she would meet my children before she passed away and she did ... it was a dream come true for me ... thanks for sharing such a touching photo and letting me remember my moment with my grandma today.

  4. Happy birthday to your grandma! She totally gets the century credit in my book!!

  5. What a wonderful celebration of a life well-lived.

    Thank you for sharing her story.
